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Depuis le haut: les jumeaux, Killashandra, Jaxom
Labels: AudreyKits 08
Our cats and kittens, day to day
Labels: AudreyKits 08
Labels: Xandor's daughter
These babies are so good, and their mother so attentive, it's absolutely amazing! They are so contented, I've barely heard a squeak from them since their first indignant yells at finding themselves outside in the big wide world! They have both put on an amazing amount of weight since birth: 42 grammes for the girl, and 25 for the boy. They are all round, warm and fubsy - adorable!
Labels: progess kits
Labels: Rob McFeegle
Audrey's kittens have arrived: at 09h05, a chocolate tabby female, 80gr, and at 10h20 a whopping great blue tabby male, 115gr. Audrey is fine, being an attentive mother, and the kittens are well-formed and lively. Photos later.
Labels: new kits
Back from the vet's, where Audrey had a pre-kittening examination. All seems well, but in spite of her big tummy and the kilo she's put on, it seems there are only two babies! They are well developed and quite big, and I saw their little hearts beating on the ultrasound! Her milk hasn't come in yet, and she's 67 days, from the first mating, so there is still some latitude. Our vet is on duty tonight, so until tomorrow midday, if she needs attention, at least it will be in familiar surroundings.
Labels: Audrey's progress
Labels: Nef and Bea
A quick update for those who are wondering how she is getting on. She is well, serene and round!