Môr Harlech

Our cats and kittens, day to day

Thursday 22 May 2008

Family Photos/Photos de Famille


Congratulations/Félicitations Anaïs & Xandor!

Xandor is a father again, this time with Anaïs, daughter of Môr Harlech Rhodri and Ding-Dong du Nickel. Four lovely, healthy kittens, to the delight of Fabienne who had almost given up hope of babies from her Calico girl! Congratulations to all!

Xandor est de nouveau papa - cette fois avec Anäis, fille de Môr Harlech Rhodri et Ding-Dong du Nickel. Quatre beaux chatons sains, à la grande joie de Fabienne, qui n'y croyait presque plus - félicitations à tout le monde!


Wednesday 21 May 2008

5 weeks/semaines!

Nefret's babies are five weeks old today, and fighting fit!
Les bébés de Nefret ont cinque semaines aujourd'hui, et ils sont en pleine forme!


Monday 19 May 2008

La Bellissima!

Thank you so much, Pamela, for this wonderful photo of "la Principessina", Killashandra Ree! She gets more and more beautiful - thank you for loving her, and giving her such a happy life!

Merci infiniment, Pamela, pour cette très belle photo de "la Principessina", Killashandra Ree! Elle devient de plus en plus belle - merci pour tout l'amour, bonheur et sécurité que tu lui donnes!


Sunday 18 May 2008

We Three/Nous Trois


Little Sweetheart/Petit coeur!


Saturday 17 May 2008

Really better/vraiment mieux!

Thinking - je réfléchis
I made it!/Réussi!
Coming down/Bon, je descends..
Budge up kids/vous me faites de la place, les copains?...


Monday 12 May 2008

D for Diamond is better/va mieux

Sunday 11 May 2008

Demelza, Deefer

I'b fed up with this code! J'ed ai barre de ce rhube!


Demelza., Deefer, Darcy


Friday 9 May 2008

Darcy, Deefer, Demelza

After a few anxious days, little Deefer seems to have turned the corner. All three caught cold from their mother, whose own defences were sufficient for her to throw it off in a couple of days, Darcy and Demelza merely had runny eyes for a few days, which responded well to the drops our vet gave them. Deefer, however, got another infection on top of that, and was really poorly for a while. She has been to the vet's nearly every day this week, and needed not only injections of Virbagen, but also daily antibiotics and two sessions of rehydration.

Her poor little nose was so blocked that she couldn't feed and breathe at the same time, and she lost 80 grammes in 4 days. Yesterday, the vet thought she seemed better, but Nefret started to neglect her, and she couldn't take the bottle because her little nose was still so blocked. All else failing, I did some "mouth to nose" to try and unblock her tiny nasal passages - and miracle! Perhaps it was a coincidence, bur when I presented the bottle afterwards, she threw herself at it and sucked hungrily for about 10 seconds! I repeated the treatment several times yesterday evening, and again today - and she has put on 12 grammes again! Also, Nefret is once more accepting her, washing and cuddling her like the others, so it looks as if she's really turned the corner. Fingers crossed!


Constance & Tora

Brief visit today to pretty Constance and her new babies, full siblings to Pandora, as their sire is Tora. Four lovely babies, two Chocolate Tabby males, a Brown Tabby female and a Lilac Tabby female. Mother and kittens doing extremely well!

Courte visite aujourd'hui pour voir la jolie Constance et ses nouveaux bébés, frères et soeurs de Pandora - car Tora est leur père aussi. Quatre très beaux bébés: 2 mâles Chocolate tabby, une femelle Brown Tabby, une femelle Lilac Tabby. Maman et chatons en pleine forme!

Monday 5 May 2008

Congratulations/Félicitations Constance!

Pandora's dam and Xandor's daughter, Constance, has had 4 magnificent kittens, also by Tora - they weigh between 106 and 140 grammes! All went extremely well, and I am looking forward enormously to seeing them soon!


Constance, la mère de Pandora, (et fille de Xandor), a fait 4 magnifiques chatons hier , aussi avec Tora - ils pèsent entre 106 et 140 grammes! Tout c'est très, très bien passé, et je me réjouis tellement d'aller les voir bientôt!



Sunday 4 May 2008


Great-great Granny Bea taking over the Nest - Nefret, at first discreetly attempts to take back her fief. After the second photo, I went to upload, and while I was doing so, Nefret lost patience and chased her Great-Grandma out of the nest without ceremony - pity I missed that photo!
By the way, today is Angel's 8th birthday - Bea's daughter, Tora's dam, Nefret's grand-dam.

Arrière-arrière Grandmaman Bea squatte le nid; Nefret essaie, d'abord discrètement, de reprendre son bien. Pendant que je téléchargeais les deux photos, Nefert a perdu patience, et a chassée l'intruse, sans cérémonie. Dommage que j'ai manqué cette photo-là!
A propos, Angel a huit ans aujourd'hui - Angel, fille de Bea, mère de Tora, grand-mère de Nefret.

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Saturday 3 May 2008

Any which way/Peu importe la position!


Friday 2 May 2008

2 girls, 1 boy!/2 filles, 1 garçon!

This morning a check-up for several cats - Nefret post-partum, and her kittens, Jaxom, who has been sneezing a bit, and Pandora. All is well, no fever and in good shape. Just Pandora needs a bit of a boost to her immune system, as she's still not fully over the upset of a week ago. He gave her an injection of Interferon, and I have to take her back on Monday and Wednesday to complete the treatment. He was very reassuring, and all should be well . He also confirmed my suspicion that Deefer is a girl after all - so only Darcy is male. :D

Ce matin petit contrôle pour plusieurs. Nefret, post-partum (avec ses bébés), Jaxom, qui éternue un peu, et Pandora, toujours un peu patraque. Il lui a fait une injection d'Interféron pour stimuler son système immunitaire, et je dois retourner avec elle lundi et mercredi. Il pense qu'il n'y a pas lieu de s'inquiéter. Il a également confirmé mon soupçon: Deefer est une fille - donc un seul mâle, Darcy! Nefret et Jaxom sont en forme, aucun souci. :D
