
Great-great Granny Bea taking over the Nest - Nefret, at first discreetly attempts to take back her fief. After the second photo, I went to upload, and while I was doing so, Nefret lost patience and chased her Great-Grandma out of the nest without ceremony - pity I missed that photo!
By the way, today is Angel's 8th birthday - Bea's daughter, Tora's dam, Nefret's grand-dam.
Arrière-arrière Grandmaman Bea squatte le nid; Nefret essaie, d'abord discrètement, de reprendre son bien. Pendant que je téléchargeais les deux photos, Nefert a perdu patience, et a chassée l'intruse, sans cérémonie. Dommage que j'ai manqué cette photo-là!
A propos, Angel a huit ans aujourd'hui - Angel, fille de Bea, mère de Tora, grand-mère de Nefret.
Labels: Bea Nefret, kittens
You need a King-size - erm - make that Queen-size bed.
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