Darcy, Deefer, Demelza

After a few anxious days, little Deefer seems to have turned the corner. All three caught cold from their mother, whose own defences were sufficient for her to throw it off in a couple of days, Darcy and Demelza merely had runny eyes for a few days, which responded well to the drops our vet gave them. Deefer, however, got another infection on top of that, and was really poorly for a while. She has been to the vet's nearly every day this week, and needed not only injections of Virbagen, but also daily antibiotics and two sessions of rehydration.
Her poor little nose was so blocked that she couldn't feed and breathe at the same time, and she lost 80 grammes in 4 days. Yesterday, the vet thought she seemed better, but Nefret started to neglect her, and she couldn't take the bottle because her little nose was still so blocked. All else failing, I did some "mouth to nose" to try and unblock her tiny nasal passages - and miracle! Perhaps it was a coincidence, bur when I presented the bottle afterwards, she threw herself at it and sucked hungrily for about 10 seconds! I repeated the treatment several times yesterday evening, and again today - and she has put on 12 grammes again! Also, Nefret is once more accepting her, washing and cuddling her like the others, so it looks as if she's really turned the corner. Fingers crossed!
Labels: NefKits
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