Pandora is not too sad at the departure of her last kitten - she has her little cousin Casilda to mother!
Pandora n'est pas trop triste du départ du dernier de ses chatons - elle materne sa petite cousine Casilda!
New Home/Nouveau foyer
The last of Pandora's kittens, Amadeus, left yesterday for his new home in France. His new family had a nasty drive here - bad weather and heavy traffic, but all went well on the way home. He slept most of the way, and when they arrived he was totally relaxed, playing with his rolly toy and purring his little head off! he hasn't yet been introduced to the two girls, who are apparently camped on the other side of the door, waiting to find out WHO the newcomer is! It looks as if this is going to be a great success all round. Thank you, Marie and Patrick, for loving my little lad and giving him a home where he is going to be very happy.
Le dernier chaton de la portée de Pandora est parti hier, dans sa nouvelle famille en France. Merci, Marie et Patrick, pour les bonnes nouvelles de son arrivée - c'est vraiment un petit Monsieur Cool! Avec un tel commencement, on peut espérer beaucoup de bonheur pour tout le monde - merci de l'aimer, et de lui donner une vie qui sera sûrement très heureuse - il vous le rendra!

After Cobber, Denzil, David-Michael (Daddy), beautiful Phaedra has left us.
European Champion Môr Harlech Cara Mia Phaedra Black-Silver Tortie Tabby, Copper eyes, daughter of Eur.Gr. Pr. Isabella de St Martin du Tilleul and World Champion Vaïk de Bastet de Nacrisan, was born on October 26th 1995, and died quietly in her sleep this morning at her home in Belgium.
These photos are how I best remember her, before she went to live with our dear friends Francine and Paul, who are going to miss her very much. She left at 3 months, and I was not able to go to Belgium for nearly three years. As soon as I walked in, after hugging Francine and Paul, I was immediately greeted by a chirrup and a loving brush against the ankles - Phaedra had not forgotten me! Francine has always kept me informed about her, and I have been able to see her whenever I went to Belgium.
As well as distinguishing herself in shows, Phaedra produced many superb kittens, grand kittens and great grand kittens including the LH Tortie Fold pictured here recently, Betty Boop de St Martin du Tilleul, and the glorious Shana in France. Her sisters, Ariadne (in Novara) and Chloe (in Sion), are still doing well as far as I know, though I have had no recent news of them.
Rest in peace, darling Phaedra, you won't be forgotten.
Tristesse aujourd'hui, car la belle Phaedra, fille Gr.Pr.Eur, Isabella de St Martin du Tilleul et de Champion de Monde Vaïk de Bastet de Nacrisan, nous a quittés ce matin, au grand chagrin de sa famille humaine en Belgique, mes chers amis Francine et Paul. Après une brilliant carrière en expo (elle est devenue Champion d'Europe, avec beaucoup de Best), elle est devenue la maman, grand-maman, arrière grand-maman, de beaucoup de chatons superbes, dont Betty Boop de St Martin de Tilleul, Highland Fold Tortie mentionnée récemment ici) et la sublime Shana chez Régine en France. Phaedra est née le 26 Octobre, 1995. Elle a eu une très belle vie chez Francine et Paul, et elle leur manquera beaucoup. Les photos ci-dessus furent prises juste avant son départ pour la Belgique, à l'âge de trois mois.
Dors en paix, ma Phaedra chérie - on ne t'oubliera pas.