Môr Harlech

Our cats and kittens, day to day

Sunday 8 February 2009

New Home/Nouveau foyer

The last of Pandora's kittens, Amadeus, left yesterday for his new home in France. His new family had a nasty drive here - bad weather and heavy traffic, but all went well on the way home. He slept most of the way, and when they arrived he was totally relaxed, playing with his rolly toy and purring his little head off! he hasn't yet been introduced to the two girls, who are apparently camped on the other side of the door, waiting to find out WHO the newcomer is! It looks as if this is going to be a great success all round. Thank you, Marie and Patrick, for loving my little lad and giving him a home where he is going to be very happy.

Le dernier chaton de la portée de Pandora est parti hier, dans sa nouvelle famille en France. Merci, Marie et Patrick, pour les bonnes nouvelles de son arrivée - c'est vraiment un petit Monsieur Cool! Avec un tel commencement, on peut espérer beaucoup de bonheur pour tout le monde - merci de l'aimer, et de lui donner une vie qui sera sûrement très heureuse - il vous le rendra!


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