Labels: slideshow
Our cats and kittens, day to day
A huge thank you to Laurie for these wonderful photos!
Labels: Slideshow Kits
Happy news last night: Amandine du Jedi, aka Schmouffi, had five bonny babies - see link to blog for photos.
Labels: Xandor kits
Sorry about the wobbling, I was following the kittens about! And sorry for the double post - the second one doesn't work of course, and I don't seem able to delete it./ Désolée pour l'instabilité - je suivais les chatons, au détriment de l'image! Mes excuses aussi pour le double post - je n'arrive pas àé le supprimer.
Labels: kitvid
With many thanks to Laurie, who took these photos yesterday during a visit to Ramses - who will be known as "Tigroo" (= Tigger).
Labels: slideshow kittens
Labels: Vaïsya's kittens '07
Labels: guest book
Labels: Ariadne
Labels: Gift
Edited because the first attemot did not work/
Labels: kitvid
Labels: Branny's kits
Ceux/celles d'entre vous qui regardent mon site principal auront peut-être remarqué que le Livre d'Or est temporairement inaccessible. La raison en est l'intervention d'un indivdu anonyme et indélicat, apparemment du Canada, qui y a écrit un poste particulièrement stupide et pornographique - et qui n'a rien à voir avec les chats.
Labels: guest book
For some reason, I seem to have lost access to my Blog, so I am starting a new one - and to begin with, a short video of the kittens!
Labels: kitten vid