Friday, 23 March 2012
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Monday, 19 March 2012
Avusy Results/Bilan
Emrys, slightly stunned by his success, as is his Two-foot!

Emrys, a CAPE, 2 GAGPEs and no less than three Best in Show, plus a Special Prize!
I am so proud of them!
Gwen a obtenu ses 2è et 3è CAC, plus un CACIB avec Nomination BIS.
Emrys, 1 CAPE, 2 CAGPE et pas moins que trois Best in Show, plus un Prix Spécial.
Je suis si fière de mes chéris!
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Avusy Show/Expo, 1st day/1e jour
Another Best in Show for Emrys, and also a Special Prize! Tomorrow he will be judged twice, as there will be a Special for his variety. Gwen had 2 judgements today - there was a Special Self. She defnitely got her Championship point in the Special, but I don't yet know about the traditional. I think the judge would have said if she wasn't going to give it, and why, but I'll have to be patient until tomorrow's judgement, to see if she has gone up a class!
Gwen herself seems to have decided that, now she's officially an adult, she'd better prove it: as soon as we got home and she came out of her carrier - she began calling for the first time!
More news and photos tomorrow.
Encore un BIS et un PS pour Emrys aujourd'hui. Il aura deux jugements demain, car il y aura une Spéciale Brown Tabby. Gwen a été jugée 2x aujourd'hui, en Traditionnel et en Spécial Self. Elle a eu le CAC en Spéciale, mais je n'ai pas vu pour le Traditionnel. Je crois que la juge aurait dit si elle allait le refuser, et pourquoi, mais je vais devoir patienter jusqu'au jugement de demain, pour voir si elle est montée en classe CACIB.
D'autres nouvelles - et des photos, demain à la fin de l'expo!
Monday, 12 March 2012
Emrys & Gwendolen
Show in France yesterday. Gwenny got her first CAC, and Emrys got a Nomination and a Best in Show - his first, although he has been Nominated nearly every time. I'll post a photo of the cup when I can. Unfortunately, he was judged in CAPIB, although he is already an International Champion, with two of the three certificates needed for the Grand title. My fault, I entered him months ago, and thought I had written to update, but alas no. He can finish his Grand in Italy, in mid-April, so it's just delayed. Gwenny should become a Champion next weekend in Geneva, and begin her International the week after in Riaz. Galadriel will begin her Championship in Geneva, and if all goes well should also be able to begin her International title at Riaz.
Pandora was mated three weeks ago, and by tomorrow I should see evidence that she has "taken* - fingers crossed for kittens on or around Shakespeare's brirthday!
Expo en France hier: un Best in Show et une Nomination pour Emrys, et Gwenny a eu ses points de Championnat. Elle et Galadriel iront à Genève le weekend prochain, et à Riaz la semaine suivante. Emrys les accompagnera en Italioe à la mi-avril, ou il devrait terminer son Grand Championnat International.
Pandora a été saillie il y a trois semaines, et je devrais être sûre demain qu'elle a pris - mais d'après son comportement, je n'ai pas de doutes. Donc, normalement, chatons autour du 23 avril - l'anniversaire de Shakespeare!
Monday, 5 March 2012
Goldie & Huguette
Goldberry (chatte) et Huguette (lapine) ont fait connaissance aujourd'hui, Cela a l'air de bien se passer - surtout qu'Huguette semble prendre Goldie pour... un lapin mâle!
Goldberry (cat) and Hugette (rabbit) met for the first time today. Things seem to be going well, especially as Huguette seems to think Goldie is a MALE rabbit!
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Môr Harlech Adam Dalgliesh

Merci à Véronique pour cette jolie photo d'Adam, dit Doudou - frère de portée d'Amelia Peabody, demi-frère de Toranaga, fils de Katie et de PamPam - et grand-oncle d'Amelita!
Thank you to Véronique for this lovely photo of Adam, aka Doudou, litter-brother of Amelia Peabody, half-brother of Toranaga, son of Katie and PamPam - and great-uncle of Amelita!